GOLDEN DEAL is one of the largest and most trusted real estate agencies for issuing the Golden Visa.

Our goal is to obtain the "GOLDEN VISA", without any time-consuming procedures for you!


Every non-European citizen, who obtains the "GOLDEN VISA", receives some benefits! It is important to emphasize that members of his/her family are automatically entitled to the same benefits (such as his/her spouse, his/her children or even his/her spouse's children up to the age of 21, also the parents of the "GOLDEN VISA" holder, or even his/her spouse's parents).

The benefits of "GOLDEN VISA" are the following:

Right of entry to Greece for five (5) years

Permanent residence in Greece for five (5) years

Right to free movement in European Union countries that belong to the Schengen Agreement (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Greece, Estonia, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway , Netherlands, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Czech Republic, Finland), as well as staying in the above countries for 180 days a year.

Access to the country's education system, just like any Greek citizen.

Right to renew the "GOLDEN VISA", subject to conditions, every five (5) years.



Any non-European citizen, who wishes to issue a "GOLDEN VISA", must meet the conditions below

1. The entry to Greece must have been made in a legal manner

2. To have full ownership of one or more properties with a minimum total value of two hundred and fifty thousand euros (€250,000), or to own an undivided percentage of one or more properties, respectively, with a minimum total value of two hundred and fifty thousand euros (€250,000 )

3. Otherwise, to have signed a lease of a minimum duration of ten (10) years in hotel accommodation or tourist furnished residences in complex tourist accommodation in accordance with article 8, par. 2 of Law 4002/2011 (Government Gazette A' 180), with the condition that the amount of the lease is at least two hundred and fifty thousand euros (€250,000).

4. Otherwise to buy a plot of land or plot of land and proceed with the construction of a building. In this case, the sum of the purchase value of the plot or plot of land and the contractual agreement should amount to the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand euros (€250,000) at least.

In the event of co-ownership of the above property, then the right to stay is granted only if the owners of the property are husband and wife and own the property in undivided ownership. In any other case of co-ownership, the right to stay is granted only if each co-owner has invested in the property the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand euros (€250,000).

5. In the event that the property has been acquired through a legal entity, then the shares or corporate shares should belong to it entirely. In this case, the specific citizen is given the opportunity to file a "permanent residence for investors" application.

In the case of granting the "GOLDEN VISA" to the rest of the family members, this will be based on the amount of real estate, which will result from the listed value of the property or the lease contracts, in the contracts.

More specifically, the value of the property, according to Law 4251/2014, is not considered the objective value of the property, but the amount paid for its purchase.

The objective value of the property is taken into account, only if it is the amount paid for the purchase of the property and only if it is stated in the contract.


Beneficiary Documents

1. Four (4) recent color passport photos (4×6 dimensions), as well as a CD with the same photo in digital format.

2. A copy of a valid passport or other travel document, which is recognized in Greece and which carries a permit to enter the country.

3. Private life insurance, which provides hospital coverage for accidents, is preferred by a Greek Insurance Company.

4. Copy of the title deed of the property(s), with a minimum value of €250,000.

The contract must clearly state that the amount of the property was deposited by the buyer to the seller with a bank check, which was issued from a Greek bank account or from a foreign bank account of the buyer, directly to the Greek bank account of the seller.

5. Relevant certification from a notary, that the property meets all the specifications referred to in Law 4146/2013, article 6, par.2.

6. Certificate of transfer of the property to the relevant Mortgage Registry.


(Spouse, his/her own or spouse's children up to 21 years of age, beneficiary's parents and spouse's parents)

The Beneficiary's family members, who apply for a residence permit, must submit separate applications. The residence permit expires on the same day as the investor's.

1.Four (4) recent color passport photos (4×6 dimensions), as well as a CD with the same photo in digital format.

2. A copy of a valid passport or other travel document, which is recognized in Greece and which carries a permit to enter the country.

3. Private life insurance, which provides hospital coverage for accidents, is preferred by a Greek Insurance Company.

4. Recent marital status certificate from a foreign authority and which will state the relationship between the Beneficiary and his family members, such as Marriage Certificate or Family Status Certificate.

The Certificate must have been issued by the competent Public Authority, as well as be authenticated with the Seal of the Hague Convention (Apostille), where this is provided, or be translated and authenticated by the Greek consular office or by the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

If the beneficiary or a member of his family, has traveled to Greece through another country, which belongs to the Schengen Agreement and the passport bears the entry permit of that country and not of Greece, then he must present the electronic tickets and boarding passes , in order to be able to fully prove his travel itinerary.

It is important to submit all the details of the family members, who request the issuance of the "GOLDEN VISA", as well as of the Beneficiary himself. More specifically, the necessary information is: 1. First name, 2. Surname, 3. Father's name, 4. Mother's name, 5. Date of birth and finally, 6. Place of birth.


Important information

The residence permit in our country is issued within 2 months from the date of submission of the application to the Decentralized Administration and lasts for five (5) years.

Once all the required documents are submitted, the application submission certificate is issued immediately, in order for the card applicant to be legally covered, which is valid for one (1) year. At the same time, a scheduled appointment is scheduled at the relevant department, in order to give fingerprints, as only then is the application considered complete and all the procedures for issuing the residence permit begin. The fingerprints can be given on the same day that the application is submitted, as long as the applicant is in Greece.

Immediately after submitting the application and after the applicant has received the confirmation of submission, he can travel freely to and from Greece! However, the same is not true for the other member countries, which are in the Schengen Agreement!

For its issuance, an entry permit to Greece is required, only in the event that the citizens entering the country come from countries from which an entry permit is required.

However, the residence permit does not entitle its holder to work in Greece as an employee. In this case, the exercise of any economic activity as a shareholder or CEO in companies that were established before the residence permit application is not included. Exactly the same restrictions apply to their family members.

The holder of a residence permit has the right to submit an application in order to obtain long-term residence in our country, in accordance with article 8, para. 30 of Law 4332/2015. However, a basic condition is to meet specific parameters, which are determined in accordance with articles 89 and 90 of Law 4251/2014.

In order for a citizen of a third country to be able to submit an application to obtain Greek Citizenship, it is considered necessary to obtain a long-term residence permit first.

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